Friday, 3 March 2017

Correlation of Science With Other Subjects

Science and Mathematics

For advanced study of science subjects like physics, chemistry, life sciences, astronomy and medical sciences, assistance from mathematics in the form of mathematical numerals, Symbols, Formulas and computation is always needed. This is because science as such cannot be taught effectively without involving mathematics.
Mathematics is probably the sole language of science and therefore a real understanding of science is impossible without adequate knowledge of mathematics, algebraic equations, graph, geometry, calculus, simple statistics are some of the useful tools of science. Even simple measurements of area and space require the knowledge of mathematics.

Knowledge of trigonometrical ratios is very helpful in mechanics and light.
In the chapter Motion and Time of Std VII, teacher uses formulas from mathematics to calculate Speed and Time. 

Science and Geography

Physical geography is based on scientific principles so it can be correlated with physical sciences. Facts of climates and seasons depend on the elementary notions of scientific principles. Instruments like barometer, rain gauge, sun dial, magnetic needle, used by geographer are common to science also.

In the chapter  Weather, climate and Adaptation of Animals to climate,  of Std. VII teacher explains the Climatic conditions of different regions such as Polar Regions, The tropical Rainforest. Map /Globe can be used to show different regions to students.


Science and History
Science study has direct correlation to history as the history of inventions and discoveries provide useful background for the teaching of history.
While teaching fun with magnet Chapter to students of std. VI,Teacher can narrate story to explain discovery of magnet.

Science and Art

Science offers a vast scope for activities connected with art. Science Teacher has to draw a number of Diagrams , Construct a number of Models, and improve a number of Scientific apparatus , Charts, Pictures , Posters and other graphic aids to relate many facts with  subject.
Example: Model making,Drawing of charts,diagrams, and pictures can be encouraged in the course of teaching science.

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